Monday, August 2, 2010

Tonight's the Night!!

Tonight is the finale of the Bachelorette!  Woohoo! Also after the final rose!  What!!!!!??! Oh shoot that's three hours worth of TV - I'm not going to even lie - it sucks!  Maybe if I didn't already know the outcome or if it was someone who actually had a pulse - it'd be slightly more interesting, fun or believable.
Sorry but Ali is a total snoozefest.  Its almost as exciting as watching David Hasselhoff eat a sloppy hamburger while drunk.  No you're right - that was way more interesting.  She's no more ready to get married than Jake was.  I'm still waiting for him to come out because my gaydar is off the charts on him!
Oh well good luck Ali!  I guess...

Big Brother 12 Daily Spoiler 8/2/10

Beyond Reality - Big Brother 12 Recap 8/1/10

Big Brother 12 Daily Spoiler 8/1/10

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Levi Johnson is a skunk!

Apparently Flash wasn't the only one who got skunked this week! Good old boy Levi Johnson's ex (in-between Bristol before and after) is claiming she's preggers with his baby. He's denying that its his because his ex was with 3 different guys the week she likely conceived. All I can say is please call Maury cause I'd love to see that show! OK its her word against his but Bristol C'mon wake the eff up!! You have to dump his ass now! If he's not the poster troll for birth control I don't know who is. Just get full custody & tell Tripp his daddy was a sperm donor!

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